Evaristo Costa remains in the intensive care unit and says his Crohn's disease is in remission

Evaristo Costa remains in the intensive care unit and says his Crohn's disease is in remission

Journalist and presenter Evaristo Costa He remains in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Cambridge, UK, where he lives with his family, due to complications related to the disease. Crohn's disease.

On Monday the 15th of this month, the journalist used social media to inform the public about his health condition. Evaristo shows part of his routine in the hospital since last Friday the 12th.

In a note issued by his advisor, he was informed that there was progress in his condition, but there was still no expectation that he would be discharged from the hospital. “Evaristo Costa is making a clear recovery, without pain and in a very good mood. His Crohn's disease is in remission and the infection has responded well to antibiotics,” the note says.

The statement concluded: “Although this is just good news, the doctors thought it would be best to continue with intravenous treatment, which is why the presenter is not expected to leave yet.”

Evaristo was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, a digestive disorder, four years ago. On Friday the 12th, he complained of severe abdominal pain in addition to fever, weight loss, and diarrhea.

The broadcaster said he felt weak. “Low immunity leaves my body open to viruses and bacteria, as happened to my leg a month ago. If I don't take care of myself, I may suffer from complications such as anemia and serious infections.

In November last year, Evaristo Costa was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with erysipelas, a skin infection that affects the leg.

Despite being hospitalized, the journalist appears in a good mood on his Instagram stories.

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*Intern under the supervision of Charles Moraes

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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