Elon Musk On Wednesday (31), he shared on his account X a new video of one of Tesla's latest robotics projects. In the post it is possible to see Optimus Gen 2, a humanoid robot, walking into a room full of technicians. However, the billionaire wrote in the caption of the post: “Go for a walk with Optimus.”.
Also known as Optimus Bot 2.0, people will be able to use it in different environments and services, such as construction, healthcare, manufacturing, and entertainment. The project has been developed since 2021 by Tesla's robotics department and so far Optimus has been providing satisfactory results.
The Tesla WX owner explained in the post that the robot “You still won't be able to do it independently, but you will certainly be able to do it completely independently and in an arbitrary setting (you won't need a fixed table with a box containing only a shirt).”.
The metal robot is part of Tesla's robotics division and was built using an approach that shows promise “Artificial Intelligence above all else”. This means that the device's AI system comes first, and the hardware part comes later. According to experts, this is the only way to make a robot with two legs and move on its own.
Initially, Musk introduced Tesla's humanoid robot in 2022, but the robot just got on stage and waved to the audience. At the time, the billionaire noted that the team was only working on the first version of the device and that they were still making improvements
Improvements made to the Android robot
One of the Tesla engineers working with Optimus — also called the Tesla Bot — described the improvements made throughout 2023.
“We've gone from an exploratory prototype (Bumblebee/cee) to a more stable platform designed by Tesla (Optimus Gen-1). We've improved our locomotion, repeatedly walking off gantry without falling and with an increasingly faster and more human gait. Ultra-low, high-speed remote operation system Precision is used to collect AI training data from a robot that imitates humans performing certain tasks.”published by the engineer Milan Kovac.
“We have designed, trained and deployed some of the first end-to-end neural networks for humanoid robots ever seen to perform tasks autonomously that require coordinated control of the human torso, arms and hands full of fingers. We have designed and built yet another updated version of the robot (Optimus Gen- 2), adds an articulated neck, revamped hands with touch sensors, and tighter integration of belts, motors and electronics.he added.
* Under the supervision of Lilian Coelho