These are the cities with the highest number of hospitalizations for dengue and chikungunya in Goiás

These are the cities with the highest number of hospitalizations for dengue and chikungunya in Goiás

Localities received more than 200 requests for hospital treatment due to diseases in the state

Gabriela Pineiro –
These are the cities with the highest number of hospitalizations for dengue and chikungunya in Goiás
Aerial view of Oraco, northern Goiás (Photo: Wikipedia)

Amid an unprecedented and simultaneous epidemic of dengue and chikungunya cases in Goiás, some municipalities in the state stand out and are on the radar of health authorities due to high rates of hospitalizations due to arboviruses.

The data was passed on Thursday morning (08) during a press conference held at the Goiás State Ministry of Health (SES). So far, 11,923 diagnoses of the first disease have been confirmed, along with four deaths, while 930 records have been recorded for the second.

According to SES Organization Director Lorena Mota, at least three cities in Goiás have received more than 200 requests for hospitalization due to illnesses since December 2023.

Among them: Uruaçu, Aguas Lindas de Goiás – which was actually the first to establish a municipal crisis office in the state – and Jatay.

In addition, the professional also reveals that the cities of Goiânia and Aparecida de Goiânia showed a significant increase in the number of applications between January and February of this year, which was noted by the administration.

“We are closely monitoring the direction of these patients to our government units,” he highlights.

In the first eight days of February alone, Goiás recorded 194 hospitalizations for dengue fever – compared to 485 confirmed cases in January.

Compared to December 2023, the number amounts to more than half of the registered total, which was 211.

In an attempt to avoid the imminent collapse of municipal health systems and speed up the hospitalization process, the professional explains that the department chose to transfer patients to the health unit located in Nairopolis.

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“That is why we have this strategy here in the Greater Central West region of positioning the Nairopolis unit as an extension and absorbing patients from the wards with the aim of reducing waiting time for hospital beds,” he concludes. .

It is worth noting that currently the average waiting time between requesting hospitalization and the patient going to bed is 6 hours.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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