Beatrice is the new leader of “BBB 24” and puts Rodriginho, Fernanda, Michele and Giovanna at the wall.

Beatrice is the new leader of “BBB 24” and puts Rodriginho, Fernanda, Michele and Giovanna at the wall.

Beatrice is the new leader of BBB 24 Reproduction

This Friday (23), the new leader Beatrice, who won the race with Isabel, nominated Rodrigueno, Fernanda, Michele and Giovanna to target the next wall. In the dynamic, one of the four will be chosen to face the hot seat next Tuesday (27). In addition, everyone received bracelets to identify them as targets.

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In the afternoon, Sister and Isabel discussed what they would do if they shared leadership and why each wanted to hold that position. They both announced that they were interested in potential concerts with their chosen themes. During the live show, the Amazonian woman gave away the crown to the saleswoman from Bras.

VIP for this week:

  • Beatrice (leader)
  • Isabelle
  • now
  • Matthew
  • David
  • Lady

Dynamics of the week

On Saturday (24th) there is proof of the angel who will be autoimmune and will also immunize humans on Sunday. On the same day, the dynamic of loss also occurs in the confessional. After a game of chance with bets, the brothers will be able to decide whether they want to bid for the power of the wild card for the week, called the “Power of the Word” or not. Whoever wins it must also nominate someone to take the lead.

Dynamics of the week in 'BBB 24' — Photo: Reproduction/Globo

So the dynamic begins on Sunday when the angel fortifies the person. The leader then blocks someone and the pair they competed with in the race nominates someone else to be in the hot seat. Whoever wins the wildcard power is the third to nominate him. The person who receives the most votes by the board completes the four teams.

Dynamics of the week in 'BBB 24' — Photo: Reproduction/Globo

Taking the leader candidate aside, the other three race against the clock. Only one person will be saved, which will form a triple wall. The liquidation will take place on Tuesday (27th).

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“BBB 24”: Camilo or Barentines? Netizens discuss which party the leader wants to see

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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