With measures against dengue strengthened, El Salvador's Municipal Health Department decided to keep six basic care units operational to support emergency care units (UPAs) this weekend. The operation will be in effect from 7 am to 7 pm on Saturday (23) and Sunday (24).
Therefore, the aim of this measure is to accommodate less complex patients, classified in the green and blue categories, who seek emergency units for care. Over the next two days, they will undergo examination and be directed to support units.
This initiative falls within the framework of the “Salvador Against Dengue” campaign, which was created via SMS to enhance assistance provided to the city's residents.
For Ana Paula Matos, deputy mayor and department secretary, the initiative allows for more precision in the assistance provided to citizens during the weekend.
“This strategy has proven effective in reducing inflows of UPAs and improving reception, which is why we continue to keep our doors open on weekends,” the manager noted.
Check the list of participating units:
- UBS Periperi with UPA support Adroaldo Albergaria
- USF Vale do Matatu supported by UPA Brotas
- UBS Rodrigo Argulo Supported by PA Rodrigo Argulo
- USF Sao Marcos supported by PA Sao Marcos
- UBS Péricles Laranjeira provides support to patients at Fazenda Grande do Retiro I
- USF Cajazeiras
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