Who will win 'BBB 24'? Poll shows in part: Vote

Who will win 'BBB 24'?  Poll shows in part: Vote

With Alane's exit from “BBB 24”, Davi, Isabelle and Mateus have reached the final and are now competing for the public vote in search of the biggest prize in the history of the competition: R$2.92 million. who will win? Official voting is now open On the Ji Show website. And the EXTRA poll, although not officially valid, does give a measure of who will sleep like a millionaire after the night of next Tuesday, the 16th.

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If things go according to the readers' vote, Daffy will be the grand champion of this season, with 65.68% of the votes, according to the first part of the poll, on Monday, and Matthews will take fifteenth place, with 25, 17% of the votes. While Isabel will come in third place with 9.15% of the votes.

Keep voting:

How do you vote for the “BBB 24” champion?

Just like the other votes in this edition, there are two options to choose who will win “BBB 24”: by fan vote, where you are allowed to vote as many times as you want, or by single vote, where only one time is allowed to vote. Vote for each valid CPF. The final result is obtained by the weighted average between the two alternatives.

Voting takes place on the program's official website: gshow.globo.com/bbb. You need to register for free to register. See step by step below:

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  1. Type the link in your browser: minhaconta.globo.com. Registration is free and can also be done using your Google or Facebook account.
  2. If this is your first registration, you will receive an email to confirm and activate your Globo account.
  3. The next step is to register the phone number. You will receive a text message containing a confirmation code to verify your account.
  4. Then enter your details, as the account is individual. And ready! You can now vote for “Big Brother Brasil”!

Who was eliminated first?

Alan cries when she is excluded from “BBB 24” – Photo: Reality social/Reproduction/X

Davy was the first to be confirmed as a finalist in the 'BBB 24' when he won last Friday's endurance test, his twelfth, bringing Alan, Isabelle and Matthews to the wall. The public chose to exclude women from Para with 51.11% of the vote. Upon hearing Taddeo's final speech, the model started crying and slapped herself on the head.

“I'm terrible, I'm terrible. I'm the worst person in the world. Nothing is enough for me. I want to hide. I'm going to say goodbye. I'm leaving. I'm an embarrassment to my mother,” Alan said, crying.

The EXTRA poll has no impact on the direction of the BBB game. The official vote, which decides walls and other disputes, takes place on the reality show's website gshow.com/bbb.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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