BBB 24 Champion, Duffy is furious over Manny Rigo's breakup rumors

BBB 24 Champion, Duffy is furious over Manny Rigo's breakup rumors

David, hero bbp24, On Friday night (19), he expressed his extreme anger at the rumors of his girlfriend’s separation, on a social networking site. Mani Rigo.

The former brother started the live broadcast and asked the chatterboxes several times to “mind their own business.” The champion also stressed that other related issues could receive more media attention than gossip related to his name.


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David He wondered if the fact that he was black and the winner of an international reality show bothered people. He stated that he suffered a lot during quarantine and when he has the opportunity, he will help people online.

The news was published by the broadcaster Louise Bache Online. He claimed that a dangerous source passed on the information. He added: “I have information, from very reliable sources, that the conversation between Davi and Manny took place in a hotel in Rio de Janeiro, in a room designated for the couple, to have this conversation. The information is that the conversation was very tense, as Manny tried to give Davi her vision about the situation.” In its entirety: the couple's relationship, Devi's behavior inside the home, outside the home.”,shot.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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