Casas Bahia's profile posts insults on X; The company denies authorship

Casas Bahia's profile posts insults on X;  The company denies authorship

Another post, published two days ago, commented on a change in the company's profile picture, which occurred in 2021: “you are poor!” The response was from the company's official account.

A third post joked about customers sleeping on beds and sofas at Casas Bahia stores. The answer to the above was: “You are poor!!!” Some of the offensive responses received more than 2,400 views.

A response was also made to the satirical post by billionaire Elon Musk, owner of Company X. One netizen joked that Musk will not be able to push the Casas Bahia book this month after the government Comment institutional announcements on X In response to the billionaire's attacks on the president Lola (PT) And Minister Alexandre de Moraes of STF. “I'm not going, the poor man,” the company's website profile read.

Casas Bahia's official profile on X (formerly Twitter) in response to netizens' responses Photo: Reproduction/X/Casas Bahia

Grupo Casas Bahia says it did not publish the posts

The Casas Bahia group denies making these publications. The company was informed UOL Who, after learning about the content, contacted the company responsible for managing the group’s account on X “to understand what happened,” and stressed that “the contents were quickly deleted.”

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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