Voting indicates favorites and shows that are leaving · TV News

Voting indicates favorites and shows that are leaving · TV News

With 30 participants in the third danger zone, it looks like The Great Conquest 2 already has its favorites in the public eye. Doña Jenny and Giba stand out in the vote to continue on the reality show Record and can advance to the stage, where the two with the most votes go straight to the palace – where Anahí Rodrighero and Cel are already present. Many confined people don't even reach 1% of the favor in the spotlight. The elimination takes place live this Thursday (2).

In the poll the newsWho has collected more than two thousand votes as of the publication of this text, Jacqueline Grohalski's mother leads with 29.82%.

After participating in the discussions in Villa, Guipa finished second with 15.07%. In third place is Claudia Baronessa with 12.86%.

Followed by Jennifer Dolls, Pivao (8.43%), Will Rambo (5.11%), Bruno Cardoso (4.04%), Lizian Gutierrez (3.75%), Lucas de Albo (3.71%), Tati Pink (2.93%), and Fabio Gontejo (2.36 %).

On the negative side, Madshu (1.29%), Cocoa Almonds (1.04%), Michelle Hayden (1.0%), Daffy Bavuso (0.82%), Britta Brianna (0.79%), Amanda Martinez (0.68%), Honey Bunny (0.64%) ). ), Libby Rodriguez (0.64%), Vinicius Venturini (0.64%), Bruna Bernardi (0.61%), Carolina Rolland (0.61%) and Heitor Ximenes (0.54%).

The other participants did not even receive 0.5% of the votes. They are Broninho Manu (0.43%), Willen Rocha (0.43%), Luciana Cristina (0.43%), Sybille Mestre (0.29%), Jessica Marisol (0.29%), Sette Carvalho (0.29%), Vanessa Di Santo (0.29%). . ) and Nadia France (0.21%).

The survey has now been updated

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poll the the news It has no scientific character and has no bearing on the official score recorded by R7, but it does depict a tendency among viewers of A Grande Conquista.

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Rachel Scheherazade announced at the beginning of the program that the danger zone would take shape in the dynamics of the naval battle. He explained: “Forty players are in a very strategic test, but only ten will emerge from the danger zone.”

The decision on who could compete in the vote was left to the homeowners – Luciano, Galen and Edlin, who kept their favorites and sent the rest to the sea battle.

The winning group stayed out of the danger zone and from them appeared the new owners of the town houses: Manuelzinho Da Orange houseThiago Luz da Blue HouseAnd Cleviño Santana from greenhouse. They performed better in the residual dynamic.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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