How detergents can become 'contaminated'

How detergents can become 'contaminated'

Anvisa has stopped the sale and distribution of certain batches of Ypê detergents due to the risk of biological contamination. Química Amparo, the manufacturer of the product, stated that the products do not pose a health risk.

Photo: Disclosure/Ypê

National Agency for Health Surveillance (Anfisa) Stopping the sale and distribution of certain batches of detergents Yesdue to danger Biological contamination. This measure was announced in the Official Gazette of the Federation issued last Tuesday (7).

Química Amparo, manufacturer of cleanerIt stated that the products from the batches referred to for the recall do not pose any health threats. Anvisa revealed that the product withdrawal process was done voluntarily, without specifying a date.

The company explained in a memorandum that there has been a change in the traditional smell of the products, and that although there are no risks to the health or safety of the consumer, there are cases in which the smell is noticeable.

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The reason was a “deviation” during production control analysis, indicating a potential risk of microbiological contamination.

According to Rebecca Bacani, a researcher and PhD in Physics from the University of São Paulo (USP), all chemical products have a recipe that makes them stable, so that there is no separation between the components, and they are always the same texture and with the same composition. Same smell.

Based on what Química Amparo reported, Rebeca indicates that something has caused this group of products to be unbalanced, making it unsuitable for sale. There is no way to know for sure what the problem is, as the company has not revealed the specific problem.

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“For example, water [na receita do produto] They have not undergone quality control or something has thrown the recipe out of balance so that microbiological contamination appears. “Something happened in the recipe for these batches that opened up this possibility.”

Aside from possible ingredient imbalance, Rebecca highlights that other forms of contamination can come directly from the raw materials used in the products and, for some reason, pass through the manufacturer's quality control.

The recalled products were manufactured between July-August and September-November-December 2022, in final batches 1 and 3. Specific product numbers are located at Publishing From the Official Gazette of the Federation.

Check out the full note from Química Amparo:

Explanatory note

Química Amparo has reported that batches of dishwashers, the subject of the voluntary recall action reported by Anvisa, have been tracked by the company's quality control, which began collecting the items more than a month ago, according to a plan previously submitted to the regulatory agency .

After rigorous internal analysis, it was determined that their traditional scent could be distorted in some specific batches, without risking the health or safety of the consumer. However, in some cases the odor is perceptible.

It is important to note that there is no ban on the sale of the product, but only the ban and collection of specific quantities mentioned in the voluntary measure proposed by the company itself.

Moreover, the company emphasizes that safety, quality of its products, and attention to customers and consumers have been its priorities since its founding more than 70 years ago.

Source: Byte Editorial

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"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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