Identification of patients with “red tulips” could become law in Curitiba

Identification of patients with “red tulips” could become law in Curitiba

Use the rope with Red tulips Can be established in Curitiba. This is the proposal for The project ifI, in progress Curitiba City Council (CMC), with the aim of facilitating the identification and guidance of people suffering from Parkinson's diseaseWhether in public or private places.

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Parkinson's disease is Neurodegenerative pathology Progressive and disruptive, affecting all racial groups and economic classes. Its prevalence rate is 100 to 200 cases per 100,000 people.

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Written by the consultant Tito Zeglin (MDB), the proposed law covers, in addition to Parkinson's disease, other movement disorders. The idea is to facilitate the transmission of signals to the institution's staff regarding the mobility restriction presented by the person.

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Therefore, the use of a string of red tulips, such as the litmus string used to identify people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), should avoid embarrassment of citizens, ensure preferential service, support for their mobility, and special attention in routine protection operations.

The string of red tulips must contain data such as full name, address, contact phone number (of the responsible person or in emergency cases), identification of the disease (ICD – International Classification of Diseases), among other information. It will be up to the institutions to guide their employees and collaborators in determining the people and procedures to be adopted.

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According to council member Tito Zeglin, this provision is “extremely important to confidentially identify people with Parkinson’s disease.” For the counselor, the rope is a tool that facilitates special support for people with limited mobility (005.00060.2024).

“The Red Tulip cord is an important accessory sAwareness of the frequent episodes of embarrassment, insults, discrimination and, in extreme cases, physical abuse, reported by many people with Parkinson's disease, due to its lack of ease of recognition and lack of knowledge and understanding of the different aspects [da patologia]”, defends Zeglin.

How is the invoice processed?

The protocol will take place on May 7, and the project will initially receive instructions from the Projuris Office of the Curitiba Chamber. It will then be evaluated by the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ), the only body with the power to introduce a proposed draft law. If accepted, the initiative will be discussed by the other permanent bodies of the House of Representatives, referred to in the opinion of the International Court of Justice in accordance with the topic at hand, and there is no specific deadline for a vote in the plenary session.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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