The United Kingdom is testing the first vaccine against bowel cancer

The United Kingdom is testing the first vaccine against bowel cancer

Elliot PhoebeA 55-year-old university professor and father of four, he became the first patient to receive an experimental, personalized vaccine aimed at preventing the recurrence of bowel cancer. This vaccine, developed using mRNA (messenger RNA) technology – the same technology used in vaccines against Covid – has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatments.

Friday (31) National Health Service United kingdom The NHS announced the news, which was detailed on Saturday (1) by BioNTech SE, the German biotech company responsible for developing the vaccine. The presentation was made during the Annual Clinical Oncology Conference in chicagowe we.

The clinical trials aim to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the treatment to prevent the recurrence of tumors in patients with severe cases of the disease, such as Phebve. He had no symptoms and was diagnosed with aggressive colorectal cancer in a routine examination in 2023. The professor underwent surgery and chemotherapy until the tumor signs disappeared and he volunteered for the clinical trial. The NHS hopes to recruit more than a thousand people to take part in the trials in the coming months, according to a statement.

“if [o estudo clínico] successful, [a vacina contra o câncer] It could help thousands, if not millions of people, so they can have hope and not go through everything I went through.Phebve said in a note.

The clinical trial that Phebve is part of is one of several NHS-funded trials across the country to treat different types of tumours. These trials are part of a new oncology vaccine rollout platform from the English National Service, which currently involves more than 30 hospitals across the country. England To recruit and monitor patients.

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Vaccine development

Vaccines used in colorectal cancer testing are developed by analyzing a patient's tumor to identify specific mutations. Using this information, doctors create an individualized vaccine.

These vaccines are designed to stimulate an immune response that can prevent cancer from returning after surgery on the primary tumor by stimulating the patient's immune system to recognize and destroy any remaining cancer cells. At the end of April, another Briton was vaccinated with the first vaccine of its kind against skin cancer.

These vaccines are so named because they teach the immune system how to fight cancer in the same way that vaccines teach us how to protect against viruses and bacteria. However, they are not designed to prevent the development of primary cancer.

Jointly developed by biopharmaceutical companies BioNTech and Genentech, a member of the Roche group, these immunizations have not yet been approved by regulatory bodies and are therefore not available outside of a clinical research setting.

*The text is under the supervision of Tomaz Bellomini

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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