In the newspaper, the army commander admits the “collective mistake” made by the force in its public statement about impunity on the eve of Lula’s trial | Policy

In the newspaper, the army commander admits the “collective mistake” made by the force in its public statement about impunity on the eve of Lula’s trial |  Policy

General Tomás Paiva, army commander, said in an interview with O Globo newspaper that the force made a “collective mistake” when General Villas-Boas published a leaflet about impunity on the eve of the appeal trial by the court. President Lula at the Supreme Federal Court (STF).

At that time, Villas Boas was commander of the army. The STF will rule on Lula's appeal and authorize the arrest of a Workers' Party member convicted of corruption in Operation Lava Jato.

Without mentioning Lula's name, Villas Boas posted: “The Brazilian Army believes that it shares with all good citizens the desire to reject impunity and respect the constitution, social peace and democracy, as well as concern for their institutional tasks. In this situation, Brazil is experiencing an experiment, and it remains to ask the institutions and the people.” Who really thinks about the good of the country and future generations and who only cares about personal interests?

Tomas Paiva, the current captain, was asked about this post in an interview with “O Globo”.

“I think we made a mistake. And I'm not going to judge the former commander to whom I have all loyalty. I think it's a collective mistake. It shouldn't have been published. The chief of staff and I were jointly responsible for that, even though it was a political moment,” Thomas said. Other. Now, there has been no pressure on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is not putting pressure on itself.” Paiva.

Army Commander, General Tomás Paiva, alongside President Lula at the Army Day celebration. — Photo: Ton Molina/Photoarina/Photoarina/Estadio Contodo

“Politics is far from the barracks”

He stated that the mission was never completed, but “it is going well.” The general also said that the only way for Brazil to become a modern country is by separating the armed forces from politics.

“The mission is never completed. It is always in process. But it is going well. During this period, we have seen practically no surprises, a statement from someone, a note, nothing. Politics is far from the barracks, as it is now.” . He said, “The logic that prevailed was to adhere to what the constitution stipulates, and this is the only path before us to become a modern state.”

He stressed, “We are acting decisively in performing the constitutional mission, in professional work, and staying away from politics. We are a state institution.”

Military personnel in the coup

Among other topics covered in the interview with “O Globo” was the investigation into the participation of military personnel in coup acts. The investigation by the Supreme Federal Court (STF) analyzes the responsibilities of both civilians and military personnel in attacks targeting democracy.

He also said that a soldier found guilty by the courts of attacks on democracy could face punishment within the forces, depending on the type of crime he committed.

“It depends on the crime. For example: if someone is sentenced to more than two years in prison, the Military Prosecutor’s Office will ask the Supreme Military Court whether he has the possibility of continuing his duties as a professional soldier in the army. If anything less, the The person will serve the sentence and then his employment status will be restored and this is what will happen to the officers, or the disciplinary board, in the case of conscripts, the commander explained.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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