The good project of Afif Domingos

The good project of Afif Domingos

Infrastructure tends to be possible through public-private partnerships, where companies can explore commercial and residential areas, while they will be responsible for the costs of constructing and maintaining new public buildings, for a certain period of time. the time. After this initial period, everything is in the hands of the state.

A public-private partnership is a smart enterprise, because it reduces the financial burden imposed by a major initiative like this and adds the usual flexibility that the private sector enjoys. Naturally, there will be costs to the budget, as the state will have to commit to payments, as is the case in PPP models.

The state government has already issued a Public Utilities Ordinance to define the area where the new administrative center will be built. From here one can proceed with an analysis of the required cost of expropriation/compensation and general assessments of the property values ​​currently established in the area.

Another very interesting aspect: a competition will be promoted to select the architectural project, which will therefore need to be contracted by the private sector when the public-private partnership progresses. Furthermore, the Fipe Project (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas), a traditional project and research center in São Paulo, which includes figures such as Andrea Calabi, Carlos Luque and Francisco Vidal Luna, with extensive experience in academia and in the public and private sectors, prepared a technical study for economic feasibility. To transfer the state administration to the district of Kampos Elisius.

The road is paved and the project is born with good prospects. A union between the state, the city council and the private sector will be crucial for our city to gain new hope in regaining the status.

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My proposal to Afif is that, through the São Paulo Trade Association, she mobilizes the restaurant and bar associations and the various groups currently organized around sectors with important activity in the central region, in order to form a Governance and Cooperation Committee, which would give the proposal greater legitimacy. A council of experts in urban planning and public policies for municipalities could also be formed to submit suggestions and monitor project planning, preparation and implementation.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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