Volkswagen announced an investment of R$3 billion in the Parana plant

Volkswagen announced an investment of R$3 billion in the Parana plant
The resources announced by Volkswagen will be used in the assembly line of the plant located in Curitiba (PR).| Photo: Geraldo Bubniak/Government of Paraná

Volkswagen has announced an investment of R$3 billion in the plant located in São José dos Pinhais, Curitiba Metropolitan Region (PR). The resources will be used on the assembly line. This was announced by the German carmaker on Monday (17).

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An investment of R$ 3 billion will be used to manufacture A New mini truck And the sedan New Virtus. Production of the new sedan will begin in 2025. These vehicles will be sold in national and international markets. This regional contribution is part of Volkswagen's investment of R$16 billion until 2028.

“The Volkswagen do Brasil plant in São José dos Pinhais is fundamental to the brand’s global strategy. Starting with the new T-Cross, the best-selling SUV in Brazil, which is manufactured in the unit and exported to 17 countries in Latin America, and is achieving success in all markets.” president CEO of Volkswagen South America Region.

“Unit [de São José dos Pinhais] “It is a global reference in competitiveness and operational results, with the same level of quality enjoyed by Volkswagen plants in Europe,” added Ciro Bussubom, CEO of Volkswagen do Brasil.

we 25 years of company establishment in ParanáThe company has produced 3 million cars for the Volkswagen and Audi brands, which are also part of the group. “With the start of production of the new minivan and additional volumes of Novo Virtus, we will continue to make São José dos Pinhais center Exporting technology from Paraná to the world. Seitz stated that the increase in production volumes also strengthens Paraná's local supply chain, generating economic, technological and social development for the state, as well as the strong movement of exports through the Port of Paranagua.

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Volkswagen has 54 direct and indirect suppliers in Paraná, carrying out business transactions worth R$5 billion in 2023 alone, and suppliers from the state represent 20% of Volkswagen's purchases in Brazil. The Volkswagen Group also operates a terminal in the port of Paranagua. Last year, the company handled more than 36,000 vehicles, including exports and imports, at the port. This represents 42% of the port's vehicle operations for the year.

Investing with the competitive Parana program

Another investment by Volkswagen do Brasil is with the Paraná Competitivo programme, managed by the Ratinho Junior Government (PSD). An investment of R$11.7 million has been promised for health and vocational training projects in the state. Of this amount, more than R$9.2 million will be invested in 2024 in the purchase of equipment for four hospitals: Pequeno Principe, in Curitiba; Providencia, in Abucarana; Santa Casa de Misericordia de Jacarezinho; And Armandad da Santa Casa de Arabungas.

Another investment was announced in the Carretas do Knowledge project, a partnership with Senai (National Service for Industrial Education), which provides vocational qualifications to local communities in Paraná. The contribution will amount to R$2.5 million this year, according to the joint announcement between the company and Parana's CEO.

These trucks are mobile schools containing classrooms, workshops and laboratories for the courses. The aim is to promote social integration and develop social and vocational skills.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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