Edison Podcast Metrics has been collecting detailed data on podcast consumption in the US since 2019.
UK for over a full year. This is the source of the content released last week Edison's Weekly Insight.
About one of the analyzed items Where People say they listen to podcasts often. The answer from most podcast listeners in both countries is “at home.” However, some clear cultural differences emerge when focusing on podcast listening in other contexts.
In the UK, respondents are more likely than those in the US to say they listen to more podcasts “while walking or walking”. 14% of weekly podcast listeners prefer in the UK, but just 6% in the US.
Similarly, Brits are three times more likely to say they listen to podcasts on public transport (6%) than their American counterparts (2%).
Among weekly listeners, in-car podcast consumption is high in the U.S. due to a car-dominated travel culture. Fifteen percent of U.S. respondents say the car is the place they listen to the most. On the other side of the ocean, the ratio shown is 10%.