PIS Calendar 2024: Payment of R$117 to R$1,412 for those who worked registered in 2022!

PIS Calendar 2024: Payment of R7 to R,412 for those who worked registered in 2022!

From 2024 onwards, the way workers will be able to withdraw their salary bonus from Law and Justice Party (Social Integration Program) It's from PASEP (Public Employee Assets Training Program) It will be changed, affecting about 24.5 million workers. This change aims to improve and simplify access to the benefit, which is essential for the annual income of Brazilians across the country.

if You are one of the beneficiariesIt is essential that you are aware of how and when you can make a withdrawal, which will from now on be directed according to your birth month. This new methodology aims to avoid confusion and speed up the withdrawal process, Bring benefits Important for your personal financial institution.

What is the PIS 2024 calendar?

The main change to the PIS/PASEP withdrawal system is that payments will be scheduled according to workers’ date of birth. This means that each worker will have advance knowledge of when their benefits will be available, which contributes to better financial planning.

  • January – February 15
  • February – March 15
  • March – April 15
  • April – from April 15
  • May – from May 15
  • June – May 15
  • July – June 17
  • August – June 17
  • September – July 15
  • October – July 15
  • November – August 15
  • December – August 15
PIS/Pasep Salary Bonus Calendar
Photo: Caixa/Disclosure

What are the criteria for obtaining PIS?

Eligibility for PIS has not changed with the new regulations. Workers still need to have worked for at least five months in the base year, not receive more than two minimum wages per month and have been registered with PIS for at least five years. These criteria are vital to ensure that the allowance benefits those who really need it.

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PIS/PASEP 2024 table and calculation

The value of the PIS/PASEP 2024 is calculated based on the number of months of work with a formal contract in 2022 (base year) and the value of the minimum wage in force in 2024 (R$ 1,412.00).

PIS 2024 Value Table:

Most popular jobs in 2022 PIS/PASEP Value 2024
1 117.67 Brazilian Real
two 235.34 Brazilian Real
3 353.01 Brazilian Real
4 470.68 Brazilian Real
5 588.35 Brazilian Real
6 706.02 Brazilian Real
7 823.69 Brazilian Real
8 941.36 Brazilian Real
9 1,059.03 Brazilian Real
10 1,176.70 Brazilian Real
11 1,294.37 Brazilian Real
12 1,412.00 Brazilian Real
PIS table


If you work for 8 months with a formal contract in 2022, the PIS/PASEP value in 2024 will be R$941.36.


  • The PIS/PASEP amount is paid in one installment.
  • The deadline for the 2022 PIS/PASEP withdrawal is December 28, 2027.
  • To be eligible for the benefit, it is necessary to meet eligibility requirements, such as working on a formal contract for at least 30 days in 2022 and receiving up to two minimum wages per month.
  • The minimum wage value used in the calculation may be updated annually, so it is important to check the value in effect in the pay year.

PIS/PASEP 2024: Consult, plan and secure your interest!

1. How to check your PIS?

  • Connected: Via the Caixa website or the Carteira de Trabalho Digital and Caixa Trabalhador apps, where you can check your balance, payment dates and more.
  • PersonallyAt Caixa Econômica Federal branches, take your ID card, CPF number and work card.
  • by phone: Through the Caixa Customer Service Centre (0800 726 0207), option “PIS”.
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2. Tips for withdrawing PIS/PASEP:

  • Keep your registration information up to date.
  • Check the payment dates in advance in the official calendar available on the Caixa website.
  • Remember to bring your Citizen Card or photo ID with you on draw day.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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