Harry Styles inspires the UK Spa

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Fans of singer Harry Styles can now pack their bags because they can now enjoy a super relaxing leisure time inspired by the star. The Abe Hotel, located in the UK, in partnership with the spa chain Spokers, creates a wonderful and relaxing day for fans of the artist.

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Abe Hotel Photo: Breeding.

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Abe Hotel Photo: Breeding.

The spa day takes place in the same region as Harry’s birthplace, inspired by the singer. Among the works is a 55-minute face titled “Ador You” from Harry Styles ’latest album; Watermelon scent, travel, beauty products and other therapies titled with the musician’s biggest hits.

To access the “Watermelon Sugar High Spa Day” you need to pay 72 euros per person, which is approximately R $ 430 rice. But those who rent the service will also be rewarded with a candle inspired by Harry and his scent.

Check out the treatments included in the Harry Styles-Inspired Spa:

  • “Breathe” candle: Candles have the scent of Harry Styles, and burning during treatment will be perfumed with wood tobacco, essential oils and spices, honey and vanilla;
  • Esfoliante “Watermelon Sugar”: Japanese Yusu fragrance, rich in vitamin C, promotes radiance, stimulates collagen production and stimulates the immune system. The final touch of watermelon hydrates the skin with vitamin A, which helps maintain elasticity;
  • Elimis 55 minute ‘Ador U’ facial treatment: Soothing face for sensitive skin or stain control treatment;
  • Session in the relaxation room: Harry Styles recording and relaxing in the lounge to the sound of a watermelon lemon;
  • Travel lunch: Luxury food prepared by a chef at The Abe Hotel.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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