The UK has been included in the list of countries whose citizens will be quarantined for 14 days after entering mainland Portugal, outlining the order published by the government this Sunday and coming into effect on Monday.
However, UK passengers can be exempted from booking “if they are provided with proof of vaccination conducted in that country, which attests to its owner’s complete vaccination schedule, for at least 14 days, with a vaccine against Covid-19.” With marketing authorization in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004,” the application reads.
Order 6326-A/2021, published in Diário da República, in Appendix I, of Series II today, includes lists of countries and international sports competitions to which air traffic rules, airports, land, sea and river borders apply.
To this list of countries – which so far consisted of South Africa, Brazil, India and Nepal – was joined by the United Kingdom, whose citizens would also have to comply, having entered mainland Portugal, “A 14-day preventive isolation period, at home or in a place determined by the health authorities.”
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The certificate itself includes the list of countries and administrative regions “whose epidemiological situation is in accordance with Recommendation (EU) 2020/912 of the Council, dated 30 June 2020, and related updates, and whose air movement to and from continental Portugal is permitted, subject to confirmation of reciprocity”.
This list includes Albania, Australia, South Korea, USA, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, Thailand, North Macedonia, People’s Republic of China, Serbia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau SAR.
The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed at least 3,919801 victims worldwide, resulting in 180,725,470 officially diagnosed cases, according to a balance achieved by AFP.
In Portugal, 17,084 people died and 874,547 cases were confirmed, according to the latest bulletin of the Directorate General of Health.
The respiratory disease is caused by the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which was discovered in late 2019 in the central Chinese city of Wuhan.
Read all about COVID-19 here