Georgia Frolish Taking Deborah Albuquerque I was surprised to announce their support for Leandro Gileria and Renata Dominguez No Brazil Power Couple 5. I will never vote [neles] At the time of the tournament, a friend said Thiago Bertoldo This is Wednesday (30).
I dread the situation, Deborah, because Leandro and Renata are her two options to vote, as well as being Opponents of JP Mantovani and Lee MartinsYour allies in the game.
“Help me, I don’t know what to do,” the ex-Ronaldinhas asked. Georgia replied, “I don’t want to influence, I told you my vote.” Won the power couple title of the week take his voice Mary Matarazzo and Matthew Urley.
Then Deborah suggested that the ideal would be for all her allies to vote for Renata and Leandro, but Georgia cut off the red hair. “I would never vote for Renata and Leandro at that point in the tournament. For them, we [Geórgia e Thiago] We are priority, we are the podium [deles]’ said the brunette.
“Is he there [Renata] She always said that her priorities are people who have already left, like Junior [Ângelo] and mirella [Janis]‘I’ve always spoken to her fans,’ replied Deborah.
Georgia tried to evade the issue, but said she would vote for Matthews and Mary. “No one knows anything about my vote, I didn’t tell anyone else, I just told you. I don’t want you to talk about other people to anyone,” warned Thiago’s girlfriend.
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