William Bonner reveals why Renata Vasconcellos won’t be returning to JN and troll

William Bonner
William Bonner

William Bonner live on Instagram Minutes before the start National newspaper from yesterday (16). Globo TV news anchor moved the newsroom, talk to him Ana Luisa Guimarães and imitate Renata VasconcelosAway from the newsstand because of the bad flu.

After a quick chat with some members of the editorial room, Bonner went to his position on the JN bench and spoke with Anna Luisa. “I’m tired. Are you tired? Oh, let’s bring back Mimi Renata?”, Asked.

The bad frame of the journalist did not appear. Then Bonner repeated the phrase: “Are you tired?”. “Exhausted, but alert and alert!”Guimarães replied with a laugh. “Exhausted like someone who was on CPI [ da Covid]”Pay the journalist.

After that, the announcer said that Renata had not yet returned to the newsstand due to the flu that she contracted last week. “What I had to say is the following: Yesterday, I told you that Renata will be with us. I have already lived today to explain…”, started.

“Renata called management in the morning to say she was fine, but the conversation seemed to go like this: ‘Look, I’m much better, I feel great’ [tosse]. I’m fine!'”He joked. Management decided she would go another day until she stopped coughing. Have you ever thought: “Now watch on Jornal Nacional [tosse]”.

William Bonner, in one of his lifetimes, said he was diagnosed with cataracts as early as the age of 50. “I was much earlier and seven or eight years passed. The doctor removed my lens, which was opaque, and put a six-degree intraocular lens for myopia”, It started.

Bonner revealed the details of the operation he was required to perform on his left eye. “Result: In this eye, I have no nearsightedness. Reset! In the other, I am still nearsighted, but over time… age, always… made age six degrees become five”, It is to explain.

paying off:

Paulo CarvalhoPaulo Carvalho

Paulo Carvalho He has been following The World of Television since 2009. Graduated broadcaster and journalist by profession, he has been writing for websites for five years. it is in RD1 as a reporter. She can be found on social media at Tweet embed or by e-mail [email protected].

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