A blind horse breaks three Guinness World Records

A blind horse breaks three Guinness World Records

Three blind horse world records were broken on October 29 by a 22-year-old Appaloosa horse. Known as the “blind Endo”, the animal lost its sight after contracting an eye disease.

Endo and his owner, Morgan Wagner, are natives of Oregon, USA. Their partnership began when she was thirteen years old. “My grandmother said I could have one of her horses and I chose Indu. He had more charisma and would jump around the other horses,” the woman told Guinness World Records. Globalism register.

Endo’s achievements were as follows:

  • The highest free jump for a blind horse: 106 cm high
  • Most blind horse rides change in one minute: 39 times
  • The fastest time slalomed by a blind horse with five poles – 6.93 seconds

According to the Institute of Records, a change of flight occurs when a horse switches its front and hind legs simultaneously.

At the age of eight, the horse began to tear and put pressure on his eyes frequently. He was diagnosed with equine recurrent uveitis, a chronic eye condition that causes pain due to recurring inflammation of the middle layer of the eyeball.

Although she was treated, the disease continued to progress, until both eyes ruptured, requiring removal. Since then, the owner has had to help Endo get used to a new life.

“He was really scared at first so I took a walk around the barn and then around the property. All in baby steps.” Now, with the titles won, Morgan hopes other blind horse owners and their animal support will be motivated to move forward.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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