‘A Fazenda 13’: Netizens blast Gui Araújo for his homophobic comment about Rico | the television

‘A Fazenda 13’: Netizens blast Gui Araújo for his homophobic comment about Rico |  the television

Ex-peoa comments on the discussion between Valentina and Gui Araujoreproduction

Posted on 11/13/2021 7:31 PM

RIO – Gui Araújo upset some fans of “A Fazenda 13,” this Saturday (13), when he made an anti-gay comment about Rico Melquiades. The influencer was enjoying the pool with MC Gui, Bil Araújo, and Dynho Alves when funkeiro started a conversation about the number of men and women on the country reality show. There were 10 men and 10 women. Then another woman entered,” MC Gui recalls.

That’s when Anita’s previous relationship announced: “10 men and 11 women. Now, this season is like this: 4 and a half men.” Even?” asked Dinho, laughing at the comment Bell made.

“The four of us… we are on the verge of extinction,” the former participant continued, “On Vacation with the Ex.” Soon, Rico left the headquarters and approached the pool, but Bill Araujo got into a different matter with Alagoas.

On social media, Gui’s comment was identified as homophobic because it suggested Riku would be “less a man” than other pawns for being gay. “I don’t know how there are people who still give the stage to Gui Araújo. Incoherent, boring and unbearable. All at the same time,” a Twitter user criticized. “Wow, how funny,” another user sneered. “The stench that I am from Gui Araújo…” wrote a fan of the Record reality TV series.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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