“A Fazenda 15”: Rachel Scheherazade’s speech sparks controversy and disappoints the audience: “It was terrible”

“A Fazenda 15”: Rachel Scheherazade’s speech sparks controversy and disappoints the audience: “It was terrible”

Rachel Scheherazade He fired the action and it exploded Cariocha In dynamics on Sunday 10/08 on Farm 15. The journalist defended herself against her competitor’s accusations of racism, but one comment sparked controversy.

Rachel Scheherazade in

Rachel Scheherazade in “Fazenda 15”. Reproduction/record

Photo: Miss Novella

A false and malicious accusation of racism. You wanted to accuse me of being a biased person. I put into my speech words I never said, and they were dismissed on national television“, the person began.

She then highlighted that she is the granddaughter of a black woman and that she believes in “the human race.” “I am the granddaughter of a black woman, black like you“, he fired. Cariúcha replied: “But you are white. “You’re still white.”

Rachel continued: “It may not be in my skin, but it is in my genes. It is not my fault if there is miscegenation in my family. It is no one’s fault to be born white or black in this country. We are the result of miscegenation of races, colors, and races, and we all deserve that respect. “I am not here to preach about race, because I believe in only one race, which is the human race.”

The speech got people talking and many criticized the fact that the former SBT presenter mentioned that she had a black grandmother as part of her defence. ““It didn’t go well.”Someone said. “Excellent, the only mistake I made was when you said she was the granddaughter of a black woman.”Another highlight. “Her speech was terribleThe third one exploded.

paying off!

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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