Presumed list of subscribers for the new season of farm, may have been prepared for medical examination, in which all future pedestrians undergo examination before they are locked up. The list displays names that were until then classified. The LeoDias column I tell you now who they are.
Vinnie Botel (on vacation with ex), Thiago Ramos (Neymar’s ex-husband), Tomaz Costa (former Carousel), Tate Zakoy (Funqueira), Roseanne Pinheiro (actress, dancer and World Cup season), Petala Barreros (influencer), Lucas Santos ( Formerly Carousel), Kerlin Cardoso (formerly BBB), Iran Malfitano (actor), Ingrid O’Hara (influencer), Ruifenha de Marti (Funquera and Tiktocker), Cheyenne Hajeben (formerly Casamento Segas), Elaine Cardoso (Moranguinho, Deola Naldo’s wife), Bezerra (influencer), Deborah Albuquerque (ex-couple), Suziaine Martins (former reality of Multishow), Alex Sandre Sa Gallate (Ex-A Casa), Claudia Castanheira (mother of MC Gui), Andre Clarindo dos Santos (former Corinthians player), Bruno Talamo (Reporter), Andre Marino (formerly Bros and the Bauer couple), Barbara Borges (Actress), Sergio Rodrigo Campos Costa and Mauricio Augusto Lourenço.
Part of the cast was introduced directly by LeoDias column, among them Pétala Barreiro, Deolane Bezerra, Deborah Albuquerque, Ruivinha de Marte and Kerline Cardoso.
Of the 24 released names, it is still not possible to know which names belong to Paiol, who is part of the established cast and whether any of these leaked names are missing.
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