A new feature has arrived on WhatsApp that has been expected for years by those who talk too fast

Chega nova função no WhatsApp esperada há anos por quem conversa muito rápido

Another change of the way in the Meta app! A new feature on WhatsApp that has been waiting for years for those who chat very quickly arrives.

This is the possibility to pause and listen to an audio recording before sending, as advanced by the specialized website WABetaInfo.

The messenger is working on several new tools for voice chat messages and this is another tool we have been waiting for.

A new feature has arrived on WhatsApp that has been expected for years by those who talk too fast

According to WABetaInfo, WhatsApp Web users have already started testing the feature. That is, they are the first to use it.

“By launching the new version, the user will be able to use the microphone of the laptop or PC to record the audio and will have the freedom to decide whether to send the message after listening or not,” he explained.

For those who speak too fast, you will be a hand at the wheel because being able to stop and listen to the audio before sending, the chances of not understanding the message sent will be lower.

A new feature has arrived on WhatsApp that has been expected for years by those who talk too fast

WhatsApp will allow users to pause and listen to the audio recording before sending. This is a screenshot of what’s new at work in the web version of the messaging app. (run / WABetaInfo)

right on time

At the moment, it is not yet known when the feature will also be available for Android and iOS users. However, it is expected to be officially done in the coming months.

It is worth noting that the company’s Meta platform is also working on the ability to listen to audio even outside conversations.

In addition, the tool that allows users to listen to their audios before sending them has already been launched on WhatsApp.

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+ Read also: 6 steps to find out who you chat with most on WhatsApp

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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