Have you ever thought about a file A social network without filterswhere people can only post once every 24 hours and take photos of daily life in a certain part of the day that the app stipulates?
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It is curious and unusual, an escape from the norm and an emphasis on originality for users. They are posts of things that track a person’s moment using the social network.
How is the evolution process going?
This desire for the sincerity of the users caught the attention of the public. The creators of the project are the French, duo Alexis Barreyat and Kévin Perreau, and it was officially adopted in 2020.
Currently in Play StoreIt has more than 5 million downloads. Most users focus on the United States (it was the most downloaded app) and on the European continent, especially in the country where it was created.
Is it in Brazil?
With it being one of the countries that use the most social networking, it was only a matter of time before the app gained more importance. On the Play Store, on 09/22/2022, a . file was released Request In “No. 10 of the list of the best free apps in the social category”.
The trend is for it to be taken advantage of more and more. The reviews are good and would probably recommend it more. When we separate the latest reviews, at the same time there is a feeling of strangeness, there is also a feeling of modernity – the consumption of something new.
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Its popularity has made several pages focusing on this topic created on other social networks, such publications showing unusual situations that show the user’s daily life and many strange and unexpected situations. For the user to be surprised, the time of publication is not repeated. Every day is a different time.