A round table discusses the challenges and developments in Alzheimer’s disease

A round table discusses the challenges and developments in Alzheimer’s disease
A round table discusses the challenges and developments in Alzheimer's disease

The event is being promoted by the IEA-RP Rede CienArtES Study Group in partnership with the FMRP Postgraduate Program in Physiology.

USP’s Institute for Advanced Study Polo Ribeirão Preto (IEA-RP) Network Study Group in Science, Arts, Education, and Society (CienArtES) and USP’s Graduate School Physiology Program (FMRP) in Ribeirão Preto, Promoted in May 11, starting at 5 p.m., Roundtable “Alzheimer’s Disease: Where Are We? – Major Limitations and Scientific Clinical Advancements in the Control of This Dementia”.

The event is exclusively face to face and will be held in the IEA-RP Event Space. Registration is free and must be done in this link. A certificate will be sent to the participants.

The speakers will be doctoral student of the FMRP Graduate Program in Neurosciences Suélen Santos Alves, physician and professor at Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá Guilherme Riccioppo Rodrigues and doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Basic Nursing at the School of Nursing of Ribeirao Preto (EERP) of the University of Southern Pacific Gabriela Lima. Moderation is done by CienArtES Study Group Coordinator, Norberto García-Cerasco.

They will explain the difficulty of establishing a correct diagnosis of the disease, the progression of the clinical condition with progressive loss of function, the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms, treatment, caregiver burden, social support and advances in scientific research.

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, incurable, and extremely debilitating neurodegenerative disorder, which makes it a serious public health problem. Alzheimer’s Disease International, based in the United Kingdom, estimates that by 2030, 74.7 million people worldwide will have the disease. In Brazil, data from the Ministry of Health indicate that 1.2 million people fall ill, and 100,000 new cases are diagnosed annually.

The round table is part of the program linked to the exhibition “43 Years of Neuroscience and Art: Diverse Construction – Merging Múltiplos Saberes”, in which the coordinator of the Rede CienArtES study group Norberto García-Cairasco presents paintings, drawings and sculptures that make up a summarizing portrait of the full experience of 43 years as an educator and scientist in the field of neuroscience. The exhibit can be visited through May 19 at IEA-RP Cultural Space. more information in this link.

About CienArtES Network

The Network Study Group of Science, Arts, Education, and Society (CienArtES) aims to hold events, such as symposiums (national and international), round tables, debates, and scholarly publishing events that take into account the most comprehensive and democratic multi-knowledge. , aspects of science, integrative neuroscience and physiology, associated with the arts, philosophy, history and all aspects of education. more information: rp.iea.usp.br/pesquisa/grupo-de-estudo/rede-cienartes.

* Information from USP Ribeirão Preto Magazine

Photo: Gerd Altmann via Pixabay

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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