A tourist has been attacked after climbing the steps of a Mayan pyramid in Mexico

A tourist has been attacked after climbing the steps of a Mayan pyramid in Mexico

Tourist harassed and assaulted in Yucatan, Mexico, after going up the steps of the pyramid of Kukulkan, in the archaeological site of Chichen Itza. This action has been banned since 2008, to ensure the preservation of the monument.

In photos that circulated online, the woman, who has not been identified, is seen at the top of the pyramid when looking inside the memorial. While being booed, the tourist appears not to care and dances a little for the people meters below.

Upon her descent from the scene, she was brutally harassed by people who, in addition to booing the woman, began attacking her and pulling her hair, as well as throwing water bottles in her direction.

According to information from the British portal The Sun, the tourist was led by a security guard out of the archaeological site. Then she was arrested, according to information from the American channel CBS News🇧🇷

If convicted, the woman who moved up the pyramid faces between one and 10 years in prison, according to Mexican federal law. Another possible penalty for the tourist is a fine of about R$28,000.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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