About 50 million crabs migrate to the sea to mate

Many pictures indicate a “Bible Plague”. But in fact it is about About 50 million crabs migrate to the sea during the mating period. A “swarm” of red creatures has blocked roads from the forest to the coast of Christmas Island, near Western Australia.

Incredible photos show creatures descending in large groups in what is considered… One of the largest animal migrations on the planet. Each year, about 50 million crabs leave the forest after the rains in October or November and head to the ocean to mate.

Crabs usually eat leaves, fruits, flowers and seeds, but they have A ‘dark’ side makes them eat puppies. The cannibal side of crabs appears when adults use children returning from their first migration to the ocean as part of their diet.

Pictures and videos shared by Parks Australia show thousands upon thousands of crabs crossing specially constructed roads and bridges. Tourist sites taken by “red tide”. Some get lost along the way and end up at the doorstep of the dwellings.

Thousands of crabs migrate to the sea in Australia
Thousands of crabs migrate to the sea in Australia Photo: Disclosure / Parks Australia

Crabs cross the road when migrating to the sea in Australia
Crabs cross the road when they migrate to the sea in Australia. Photo: Press Release/Parks Australia

Crabs cross the road through a special bridge for animals
Crabs cross the road via a special bridge for animals Image: Publicity/Parks Australia

Crabs get lost during migration and end up at the doorstep
Crabs get lost during migration and end up at the doorstep Photo: Publicity / Parks Australia

The residents of the Dermsit settlement in the north-east of the country were likewise trapped in their homes Sunday (14/11) due to the large number of cancers on the roads.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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