Globo journalists who appeared in the video were instructed not to express an opinion on social networks about the participants in BBB 22. The request is made orally by the superiors.
The information was originally posted by columnist Leo Dias on the Metrópoles website and confirmed by UOL’s Mauricio Stycer. Globo journalists will not be able to praise or criticize the participants in the reality show
The order came shortly after director Bonigno intervened on Twitter, in response to journalist Rodrigo Carvalho, a reporter in London.
Last Friday, the 14th, the day the participants were announced, Carvalho made a statement against Liz, a doctor who was said to have worked on the front line against the coronavirus. “It’s the least,” he provoked, saying it’s “Fora Laís.”
Subsequently, after the Slovenian co-advertisement, the journalist wrote: “Prepare a proposal for the “Slovenia Meetup” agenda for the Sunday Life Show.” That’s when Ponneho answered the pro: “Hey Rodrigo, be real and stop chasing flicks! There’s no need for that!”.
In 2018, updating Grupo Globo’s guidance on its employees’ use of social networks, the company said: “And when this person is a journalist, his public activity ends with the vehicle in which he works. If this activity tarnishes its reputation for the exemption, it will also discredit the vehicle.”
The text also says: “In their performance on social networks, journalists should avoid anything that would harm the idea that the Grupo Globo is excluded. For this reason, these journalists, on social media, should refrain from expressing political opinions, promoting parties and nominations and support, defending ideologies, and taking sides in the controversial and contentious issues covered in the press by Grupo Globo.”
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