From April to October 2021, about 39.5 million Brazilians in a vulnerable position and without a formal working relationship received seven Emergency Aid Premiums. The number of families, supported with values between R$150-375 in this second round of distribution, was 41.9% lower than in the 2020 stage, when the number of beneficiaries was R$68.1 million.
The temporary transfer was due to expire in July, but was extended for three months after discussions about a scenario of record levels of unemployment and inflation as well as financial uncertainty to finance the social programme. A wise regulation limitation of access to R$250 for families in general; R$375 for single mothers; and R$150 for people who live alone.
Official, Only one person in each family You can receive money issued by Caixa Econômica Federal in digital savings accounts. The movement is approved in the Caixa Tem app, but cash withdrawals or transfers to a checking account can only take place two to three weeks after the deposit.
The last installment was paid on Sunday, October 31, 2021. Now, the government intends to transfer Bolsa Família to Auxílio Brasil in November. The idea is to keep people who are already registered, but Congress is wondering how the funding will go without disrespecting the spending limit on federal resources.
With the end of the emergency assistance, 23.9 million informal workers will be, 5.3 million registered in the Federal Government’s Individual Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico) and 10 million registered in the Bolsa Família without premiums amounting to R$375. Emergency Relief An initiative to help the poorest during the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged.
According to the Press Association, the disease has so far killed more than 608,000 people in Brazil.