After the Justice Organization canceled the party with Gustavo Lima, residents protested and closed the highway

After the Justice Organization canceled the party with Gustavo Lima, residents protested and closed the highway
Thelandia residents protested the cancellation of the festival

Thelandia residents protested the cancellation of the festival

Photo: Reproduction / TV Globo

After a Bahia judge banned Theolandia City Council (BA) from holding a banana festival with shows Gustavo Lima And other attractions this weekend, townspeople protested the decision. According to Jornal BATV, a Rede Globo affiliate in the area, people have burned tires and completely blocked part of the BR-101.

“Everyone has invested a lot of money, whether it’s the beauty salon, the clothes, or the tents that have been built,” Independent Ariane Rodriguez said in an interview with Car. People involved in producing the event expect that the municipality will be able to reverse the court’s decision by Saturday.

Store owner Nathanael Tan set up a tent in the party yard and stated that he didn’t know now what to do to get the money he invested back. “Spend more than R$5,000, excluding drinks [que comprou para vender no show]. There are people who spend more than me. The problem is that at the last minute, what are we going to do? “

Another show by Gusttavo Lima . has been cancelled

Another show by Gusttavo Lima . has been cancelled

Photo: Instagram / @gusttavolima

The city is still facing disasters caused by rain

to me stadium Municipality revealed I rented Gusttavo Lima for 704 thousand Brazilian reais At a time when residents are still facing disasters caused by rain in the region. And the mayor of the city, Rosa Petinga (Progressus), claimed that her dream was to meet the singer.

The decision to cancel the event was made by Judge Luana Paladino late Friday morning, following a request from the public prosecutor. The court decided that the city council was not holding the party and that the state electric company had turned off the power supply at the venue, preventing the event from happening.

The judge says in the decision: “The importance of providing leisure time for the population is not to be ignored.” “However, the programming, as detailed, shows a clear deviation from purpose due to the disproportion of the amounts transferred as being sufficiently justified.”

In this action, the attorney general’s office asserted that the city government had failed to help residents promote the event and realize the mayor’s dream. The Banana Festival will cost more than R$2 million to municipal coffers, an amount higher than the amount transferred by the federal government to tackle natural disasters in the region. According to documents provided by the Public Prosecution Office, the government of Theolandia directed the budget to the event after informing the federation that it did not have the resources to pay for the emergency measures.

“The cost of the event, in the way the mayor dreamed, is a real nightmare for the residents, as the municipality’s investment in this single event equated to the equivalent of 06 (six) and a half months of investments in health in 2021, the months of January, February, April, May, June and October were added, which She is still entering the seventh month, as extracted from the website of the Office of the Comptroller of the Municipalities of Bahia (TCM / BA)”, according to the procedure, signed by the plaintiff Rita by Cassia Cavalcante.

The event will start tomorrow and the municipality is still in a state of emergency after the rain. The Public Prosecution Office cites a report by stadiumWhich showed that the city government spent on the shows after it asked residents for help to help the homeless due to the rain and not adhere to the new minimum salary for teachers, claiming “the financial deficit and commitment to other areas.”

The city witnessed floods that destroyed roads and displaced its residents. Residents reported that local roads turned into a bog, as school buses skidded and they found it difficult to follow their course. There are also records of bridges destroyed by rain. The inhabitants themselves made improvised paths of wood so that they could cross the streams.

As for the deputy, the city government failed to comply with the emergency decree itself, the state budget and the population themselves did not respect themselves when spending on the party. The Public Prosecution demanded the court to compel the municipality not to hold the event and even cut off the electricity supply to the site and prevent the holding of parties. The performance of singer Gustavo Lima was scheduled to be shown on Sunday, May 5, and the mayor was contacted through the report for comment, but he has not yet responded.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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