Singer team Neto costume, of the duet with Cristiano, released a note on Monday afternoon (1/23), denying the rumors that the singer was drunk last Saturday (1/21), when he did not go on stage at the 27th Festa de Santa Cruz. Rio Pardo, in the interior of São Paulo. The duo’s presentation was canceled after Zé Neto had a severe anxiety attack and needed to be rescued by the Emergency Medical Service (SAMU).
In a note, Sertanejo’s team revealed that the singer has been treated to control the crisis. “For those who understand the treatment of anxiety, they know the need for medication, and in some cases to control the crisis, which is what happened to Ze Neto. Medications to reduce the level of stress may have a sleepy effect,” the statement reads.

Neto costume (reproduction: Instagram)Neto costume (reproduction: Instagram)

Singer Z Netoplayback / instagram

A comment about Rouanet’s law made by Zé Neto, Cristiano’s partner, at a show in Sorriso (MT) ended up in a conversation about another, less discussed form of incentive: town hall shows all over BrazilDisclosure / City Hall of Extrema
Zee Neto is cryingreproduction
In the statement, the team clarified what happened in the show’s dressing room and warned that such cases cannot be underestimated.
“We are talking about something serious and not to be underestimated, remembering that it is something clinical that can be cured, and it has been done. Unfortunately, the crisis does not warn, it simply arrives. Zé Neto served in the dressing room normally and was already preparing to join the squad.” Theatre. Most likely, something triggered the crisis, which is why SAMU was called so he could get emergency service,” he explained.
However, according to the team, Zé Neto is doing well, but he cannot pinpoint the cause of his anxiety crisis, which is completely normal in such cases.
“We continue to thank the fans and friends who have a genuine interest in the singer and take this opportunity to ask for respect, especially for those who are ignorant and persist in creating and spreading falsehoods,” the note concluded. .
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