Both procedures were published in an exceptional issue of the Official Gazette. The proposals allow the payment of 1% of the amount of the debt and give discounts on interest and fines (Read details about them below in this article).
Simples Nacional is a simplified tax system for micro and small businesses. In the case of micro-enterprises, the annual billing limit is R$360,000. For small businesses, the amount is R$4.8 million.
In all, 1.8 million companies were registered with Union active debt due to Simples Nacional debt, of which 160,000 were from small and medium loans. The total value of Simples Nacional debt recorded in the Federation’s Active Debt is 137.2 billion Brazilian Real.
See, in the video below, Anna Fleur’s analysis on the topic:
“Small businesses are burdened with debt and need a solution,” says Anna Flor.
settlement program
One measure published this Tuesday is the Simples Nacional Regulation Program. The program allows MEI institutions, small businesses and small businesses that have chosen Simples Nacional affected by the pandemic to settle debts to enter 1% of the total amount of debt, divided into eight months.
The remaining debt can be paid off in up to 137 months, with a discount of up to 100% of interest, fines and legal fees. This deduction must comply with a limit of 70% of the total amount of the debt, according to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the National Treasury (PGFN).
Also according to PGFN, discounts will be calculated based on each company’s ability to pay. The minimum premium is R$100 for small and micro businesses or R$25 for individual small business owners.
The government has also launched an alternative to the Simples Nacional regularization programme. The entrepreneur will be able to abide by the “Simples Nacional Small Value Litigation Deal Deal” decree.
The Renegotiation Notice is valid for debts registered until December 31 and the amount of the debt, per registration, must be less than or equal to R$72,720 or 60 minimum wage.
The entrepreneur can choose between the available debt repayment options in installments and discounts. The limitation is always 1% but in this case it is paid in three installments.
The rest can be paid in 9, 27, 47 or 57 months, with a discount of 50%, 45%, 40% and 35%, respectively. The minimum premium is R$100 for small or micro businesses or R$25.00 for individual small business owners.
Adherence to a “national simple small litigation deal” does not depend on an analysis of the taxpayer’s ability to pay.
According to the government, the “Simples Nacional Regulation Program” and the online “Simples Nacional Small Value Litigation Program” are complied with, in Organized.
President Bolsonaro vetoes a bill to renegotiate the debts of individual small business owners, microentrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs
President Jair Bolsonaro Objected last week to Debt renegotiation project that will benefit about 16 million small businesses.
According to the Chamber’s text rapporteur, Representative Marco Bertaoli (PSD-SP), these companies can renegotiate debts of R$50 billion.
The president said he vetoed the bill because there was no compensation measure, which would violate the Financial Responsibility Act (LRF), and because electoral legislation prohibits the award of benefits in an election year.
In the face of negative fallout, Bolsonaro promised a solution for small businesses.