Humane, founded by former Apple employees, introduced the AI Pin, a wearable device that uses artificial intelligence and can turn off cell phones. The presentation took place in an unconventional way, as it provided a detailed explanation of how the device works, in addition to explaining how it works with functions such as simultaneous translation.
It took 5 years of development and a budget of US$240 million, which included the purchase of 25 patents and partnerships with major technology companies, such as OpenAI, Microsoft, and Salesforce.
The small device does not use a screen and can be controlled via voice commands, gestures or touch. Technological and futuristic, the AI Pin can display images at the user’s palm, such as the time, cell phone messages, notifications, calendar and weather forecast, for example. The camera can record photos and videos and store them in the cloud automatically.
The AI Pin is simple and consists of a single piece with all the hardware and a removable battery. The leaked configuration uses a non-detailed Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, with 4GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. Using the built-in chatbot, the device can answer questions, read texts, and translate speech into other languages.
With no launch date yet, the new device is available in three colors and costs US$699, equivalent to R$3,400 in direct conversion, and has a US$20 monthly phone plan.
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