Mental health has been a state issue in the UK for many years. Different initiatives have been born as a result of this concern, namely the inauguration of the Ministry of Loneliness, which has been focusing on combating high rates of homelessness affecting more than nine million British people since 2018. A study published in 2017 by Joe Cox of the Loneliness Commission. Of these, two million are equivalent to the elderly: in the country, half of the 75-year-olds or older live alone. Digital solutions to unite the British are some of the efforts of different governments to personalize support for LGBT people who feel isolated and feel different campaigns on social networks to combat this situation.
But now it’s the turn of the youth. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson has appointed Dr. Alex George as the new Ambassador for Youth Mental Health. George, 30, has been working with the Department of Education to advise and advise the government on the matter, and to develop campaigns and programs to improve well-being and mental health in schools and universities, especially in the face of an epidemic.
“I am delighted that Dr. Alex George is working with us to do all we can to improve the mental health of the people,” he said after appointing Prime Minister George, who is independent and unpaid from the government. Johnson offered him the post after a campaign George launched on social media, where he publicly asked the Prime Minister to speak on mental health through the hashtags #BorisHablemos and #MentalHealthMatters.
Alex George, originally from Carmarthen, Wales, is an accident and emergency physician who currently works at Louisham University Hospital in London. The Doctor became famous after appearing on a season of the well-known English reality show Island of Love, In 2018. In addition, he participated MasterKef 2019 Go to the program Good Morning Britain As a physician.
He has great support on social networks, has 1.8 million followers on Instagram and 683 thousand followers on Dictoc, which he uses mainly to raise awareness about child and adolescent mental health and to post tips and advice on combating anxiety and depression. In addition, it encourages teens to get tested for STDs, provides interesting facts about diseases, and encourages people to play.
Since 2019 he has had a podcast called “Waiting Room with Dr. Alex” where he interviews health professionals on wellness and current affairs.
“I will work closely with the government to make mental health a priority. Mental health is never more important than it is now,” he said in a post on his Instagram, where he appeared in a photo of himself talking to the Prime Minister. “Nothing will bring my brother back, but if I can achieve a positive impact that will save even one life , It would be worth moving the mountains for that. ”This post continues with thousands of options.
His brother, Luller, who committed suicide in July last year, at the age of 19, just a few months after entering medicine, has seen the doctor ‘s interest in the mental health of young people increase. It “scattered” his world, as he wrote in The Sun. George was unaware that Laurel had mental health problems. “I miss being Lorin’s brother. Although I have always been a lawyer for mental health, losing him has revived my interest in it,” he told the newspaper. “You can prevent other families from passing what we went through. It’s worth it.”
George’s appointment as ambassador joins the British government in other programs to support the mental health of young people, namely the welfare of academic income, which helps colleges and universities train teachers and help students’ mental well – being.
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