Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin’s main opponent in Russia, was transferred from prison to hospital | Scientist

Prison service in Russia Decided on Monday (19) to move Alexei Navanli To a hospital for prisoners.

Navalny is Russia’s main opposition politician. He’s been in prison since January, and He has been on hunger strike for three weeks.

The Russian government took Navalny to hospital, but he said at the same time Considering the detainee’s health condition as “satisfactory.”.

Alexei Navalny leaves prison for infirmary with high fever and cough

Alexei Navalny leaves prison for infirmary with high fever and cough

“The Physicians Committee decided to transfer Navalny to a hospital for convicts in Prison Complex No. 3,” the Prisons Service said in a statement.

Navalny, 44 years old They went on hunger strike on March 31, Protesting against the lack of proper medical service in prison (has pain in his legs and back).

“We do not know what happened to him over the weekend because lawyers are not allowed to visit him,” his ally Lyubov Sobol said in a radio interview.

Protests are planned for Navalny on Wednesday.

On Sunday, Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Adviser said, “There will be consequences” if Navalny dies in prison.

The foreign ministers of the European Union should discuss the issue as well.

Josep Borrell, the bloc’s chief diplomat, said the situation was very worrying, and Russia should provide treatment.

“We consider the Russian authorities responsible for Navalny’s health condition,” he said in a video clip.

A medical association linked to Nafalni said on Saturday that he is in critical condition – they said there were test results showing his kidneys could soon fail, which could lead to heart failure.

Navalny said the prison administration threatened to put him in a straight jacket to force him to feed him.

The Russian government accuses him of exaggerating his health in order to attract attention, and until now it has refused to send doctors.

In August of last year, while on a trip, Navalny was poisoned. He claims it was on Putin’s orders.

The opposition politician traveled to Germany that month to receive treatment. In January 2021, he returned to Russia and was arrested. In February, he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for violating the terms of parole. Navalny claims he was convicted on the basis of false allegations.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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