“At least symbolically, we will see liberal fascism and Zionism in prison,” the journalist said.
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247 – Journalist Breno Altman pointed out on Friday (9) that in the event of a possible arrest, Jair Bolsonaro (PL) once again wears the shirt of support for the Israeli government, which is responsible for the Palestinian genocide in the Gaza Strip, where, according to statistics and according to officials, about 28 were killed One thousand people were killed as a result of the Israeli bombing since October 7.
“It would be an incredible sight if Jair Bolsonaro, a close ally of the Zionist regime, was caught wearing the Israeli T-shirt he so often wears. At least symbolically, we will see in Zeleandro, at the same time, a liberal – fascism and Zionism, the two main currents of the global far right,” he said. Altman wrote on the social network X.
The Federal Police (PF) launched Operation Tempus Veritatis (Hour of Truth) to identify and punish those involved in a coup plot in Brazil. The coup attempt included the arrest of Federal Supreme Court ministers Gilmar Méndez and Alexandre de Moraes, as well as Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG). Among the targets of the operation are Braga Neto, Augusto Heleno and Paulo Sergio Nogueira, all generals and former advisors to Jair Bolsonaro.