“American” special forces, weapons and military vehicles worth 93 billion Brazilian riyals

That image of a force without a lot of resources, with its members showing off Civilian clothing, outdated weapons, wear sandals or slippers It is gradually being dismantled with the “new” Taliban, which, at least in its army, is working to modernize itself.

It is estimated that the Taliban inherited the withdrawal of US forces, 93 billion Brazilian reals of abandoned weapons and military vehicles, including approximately 200,000 firearms and 20,000 Humvees captured from the Afghan army. There are also hundreds of armored vehicles resistant to landmines.

US intelligence officials fear that there is something about 150 helicopters and aircraft for use by Taliban insurgents, including 45 UH-60 Black Hawk helicoptersIn an interview with the Daily Mail,

Everything is very new for the militia. Pictures posted on social media appear to show extremists Taking an abandoned Black Hawk helicopter on a ‘flight’ near Kandahar. The helicopter arrived and circled the desert runway, but the pilot was unable to fly the plane.

Taliban trying to board a US helicopter in Kandahar
Taliban trying to board a US helicopter in Kandahar. Photo: clone

Taliban besiege abandoned Black Hawk plane in Kandahar
Taliban besiege an abandoned Black Hawk aircraft in Kandahar, Photo: clone

Seven Black Hawk helicopters, which cost about 110 million Brazilian riyals each, to Afghanistan last month, before the Taliban took control of Kabul. The type of aircraft is considered one of the most active aircraft in combat operations.

One of the clearest “page-turning” images of the Taliban military is a photo too hotAmad al-Badri 313. Its members were AmericanizadosHe wears American uniforms and equipment confiscated from the Afghan army, leaving behind the common image of an Afghan fundamentalist fighter. Extremists painted the logo “Victorious Power” Next to the M1117 armored transport vehicle, manufactured in the United States at a cost of R$4 million.

“When an armed group gets its hands on American-made weapons, that’s kind of a status symbol. It’s a psychological victory.”Elias Yousef, deputy director of the Security Assistance Observatory at the Center for International Policy, told The Hill.

Meanwhile, in its drive to reform the country, the Taliban are forcing civilians on a series of changes in customs, unleashed during two decades of occupation by US forces, including The ban on music and the use of jeans is another American symbol.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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