well-known religious
Reverend Junior I find
He mentioned in one of his letters that a new arrival
Go virtual “reset humanity”. In a video that ended up going viral, Junior stated that “the whole Earth” would be infected with the virus.
“A virus will be generated that in a matter of hours reaches many people. Within 6 days, 3 billion people will be affected. In 22 days, the Earth picks up the virus. But it will not reach the body, but all phones, social networks and it will cause the world to reset.”
“If they say there will be a ‘reset,’ because there will be no more memories in movies, videos and photos. All you want to say from now on will be in your mouth,” the pastor said. Amidst other separate and unproven information, Junior Truffaut continued to talk about the topic for 16 minutes. paying off:
The topic has taken over social networks and Internet users have not forgiven:
13. According to the Illuminati, this number is the number that indicates the surrender of his soul to the devil, Taylor Swift wore his favorite number on his hand. Not to mention Taylor was a shoe, i.e. women will become lesbians when they buy the new iPhone 13 and the devil will remain in their lives. pic.twitter.com/eh0iVEWFyG
– %u272FLauren she/she (@infinityflora) October 25 2021
“Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer.”