Andressa Urach erupts with Tata Wernick’s phyto and blows the broadcaster into a frenzy

Andressa Urach erupts with Tata Wernick's phyto and blows the broadcaster into a frenzy
Andressa Urach
Andressa Urach released the act after she was banned from showing Tatá Werneck (Images: Reproduction – Instagram / Editing – RD1)

Andressa Urach Do not hide your sincere support for the President Jair Bolsonaro This sparked a wave of criticism on social media, and recently his name was vetoed on lady of the night, which was confirmed until then for an interview. After hearing the news, the blonde responded to her Instagram profile.

the site the news I was informed that Thiago Lopez’s wife was not invited from his show Tata Wernick Also due to the aggressive interaction with other celebrities, they feared that their participation in the Multishow attraction – also shown on Globo – would be a stage for political flyers and the dissemination of fake news.

In a quick version to storiesAndressa admitted that she was very upset when she learned that she would not talk to Rafael Fetti’s wife and made it clear that she would not take the conversation into a political angle:

I was very sad to see this news. Even because I like her (Tata). She doesn’t know me personally to judge me like that. I don’t know if this is true, because I didn’t even realize I wasn’t invited. I’m still thinking: Where is the democracy? I won’t talk about political opinion there unless they ask me“.

Continuing this statement, the eternal deputy Miss Pompom confirmed her unconditional support for Bolsonaro and rejected the fact that she was excluded from the list of people interviewed by Tata Wernick:

Guys, I am a citizen and I support Bolsonaro. I will not fail to support him. I love my country and will always stand up for what I believe in. If Tata doesn’t want me there, that’s fine. One day I will have a TV show and I will invite her, even though she has a political opinion that is different from mine, in the end, the beauty of life is that there are different opinions, and people respect that is essential. Life is a ferris wheel. Nobody is better than anybody else and we all go to the same hole when we die“.

Finally, Andressa Urach showed that she hoped it was all just a misunderstanding and that she could appear on Lady Knight: “I hope this news is false, as I did not expect it from her. But if that’s the case, that’s fine. May God bless you and your beautiful family, Tata“.

paying off:

Andressa Urach and Tata Wernick
Matthews Henrique Menezes

Official copywriter since 2017. His experiences as editor and social media. She has written about celebrities, television, series, music, reality shows, politics, and the LGBTI+ agenda. Supplementary videos on YouTube on Benzathios channel.

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