Anna Clara sings the wrong song

Anna Clara sings the wrong song

Anna Clara attempted to pass the animation to a home audience in a “BBB Duty” for the advertisement Simon and Simaria at a party today No “BBB 21 “. However, the presenter sang a song Song Mistake as if someone were going to perform in Reality show So.

The former BBB even danced on the gravity stage and sang verses from “Some That Come After Him”. Music is a success The country side, But it was sung by Marília Mendonça and AnitaAnd not by classmates.

Globo also made an error when changing the name of the singers, when they appeared in the videos submitted to the program.

In BBB metamorphosis, it is attributed to Simaria as if it were Simone - cloning / Globo - cloning / Globo

In BBB duty, it was credited to Simaria as if it were Simone

Photo: Play / Globo

In BBB transformation Simone is recorded as if it were Simaria - clone / Globo - clone / Globo

On a BBB call, Simone was taped as if it were Simaria

Photo: Play / Globo

Moments into the program, Anna Clara enjoyed explaining how she did wrong. On her Instagram profile, the former BBB said she commented live with influencer Thamirys Borsan, who is participating in the program on Fridays, that she wants to sing a well-known song by Simone and Simaria to announce their show.

Anna said the suggestion to hum “some to come after” came from the influencer.

“I want to make a thousand apologies to Simon and Simaria, but they know that I like them, and that I always sing songs,” said Anna in a video recorded as he left the attraction studios. “I didn’t even touch myself either. So, a thousand pardons. Every part, live TV is that. Girls, you know I adore you. Have a great show. I’m sure no one inside the house will miss the song.”

On your social network profile, Bursan also loudly apologized for the wrong advice he conveyed to the presenter.

I should come and apologize to Anna Clara publicly. If you become a meme, it’s my fault.

Reflection, fallout

In social networks, the audience did not pass the cloth to zlatine:

Remember all traffic the “BBB 21” restrictions have already received

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After Tai’s eliminated, who deserves to win “BBB 21”?


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta

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BBB: Police Cases

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