Another round of negotiations between Komando and Venappan begins

Another round of negotiations between Komando and Venappan begins

to update: Venapan continues with a reduced proposal that splits the category, with adjustments by salary range (see table below). Furthermore, VA, VR and other funds will only be adjusted in October, causing a loss of R$35 billion for the bank's employees.

The leadership rejects the proposal and accuses Venappan of only evaluating the banks’ top management. He also pointed out that in the past 12 months, the inflation rate for food away from home was 4.59%, for public transport 6.11%, and for basic commodities. Moreover, the central bank announced during the negotiations that the interest on revolving credit cards reached 432%, the highest level in the year.

Negotiations have been suspended and will resume this afternoon.

See the proposal made by Venapan this morning:

At around 11.30 am today, Thursday (29), the twelfth round of negotiations between the National Leadership of Bank Workers and the National Federation of Banks (Finaban) began, within the framework of the National Campaign of Bank Workers 2024, in order to renew the Collective Labor Agreement (CCT) for the category. At today's table, representatives of workers and banks resume the discussion on the salary adjustment for 2024.

In yesterday's round (28), Venappan insisted on presenting reduced proposals, with economic losses for the workers and which, in addition, would still divide the class (see here). The leadership quickly rejected the order and confirmed that the class does not accept a rate adjustment without a real increase.

Bank representatives hope that at the table on Thursday, banks will finally decide on the valuation of bankers who make a billion dollars in profits every day.

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Follow the schedule news on the union's website and social media.

Find out how the tables have gone so far.

  • The first table discusses the functions;
  • The second table discussed social items, particularly telework, technology and 4-day working hours;
  • The third table discussed equal opportunities.
  • The fourth table was about people with disabilities, neurodiverse people and banking security.
  • The fifth table was about health and working conditions.
  • Table VI began the discussion of economic items.
  • The Seventh Committee continued to discuss economic items.
  • At the eighth table, Vennaban proposed the withdrawal of rights;
  • In Table 9, Vennaban proposed a lower adjustment than the inflation rate;
  • At the tenth table came another reduced proposal;
  • At the eleventh table, Vinappan proposed dividing the amendment by salary range.
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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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