Araguatense: The Minister of Health speaks about accusations of attempted assault and threats

Araguatense: The Minister of Health speaks about accusations of attempted assault and threats
Araguatense: The Minister of Health speaks about accusations of attempted assault and threats

Arguatense Municipal Secretary, Ruy Matos Oliveira, spoke in Torta on Monday, 17th of this month, about the accusations of kidney patient, Odemir de Araujo Gomez, who registered a police report with the Civil Police, due to alleged threats and attempted aggression. Odemir says he asked the secretary about transportation and ended up receiving threats. The police report stated that Roy said, “I will shoot you, I will catch you somewhere else, and if I see you alone I will hit you,” so Roy chased after him, but was restrained by Joachim, the transport chief, and another patient who was present at the scene.

With words by Rui Oliveira Matos:

my dear,

I think things have taken a turn towards the unhealthy side, which is political ambition.

Citizens have been attacking me personally for some time on social networks, media groups, and even in an institutional group (a dialysis group) in an attempt to get me out of emotional control, which is understandable and I respect the directives of the Municipal Health Fund, except on a personal basis, which happens frequently, with Healthy drivers and external drivers as guide.

On several occasions, they reported audio recordings and profanity to me, causing personal persecution.

As for the complaint that became public, I repeat that my only words were a request for respect as a man and an individual and to put an end to the endless insults, but in no way to attack him, which is abhorrent and not part of my nature. Everyone who knows me, knows him.

Moreover, I have always been clarifying curiosity, answering questions related to out-of-home treatment – TFD, especially dialysis, in an effort to improve assistance, including that we are in the process of bidding for the purchase and rental of vehicles.

On this occasion and in conclusion, I would like to inform you that I have registered a report with the police on charges of defamation, and have submitted it to the responsible authorities.

Roy Matos
Municipal Health Secretary