Working with something you love is more than just a dream for many people. There are those who got the perfect job and made the routine so much fun, but since everything in life is relative, nothing profession It’s good every day, right? However, the University of Chicago made a file classification With the 10 happiest jobs in the world.
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Look at the list below, as one of them will likely be yours, so you’ll have points for and against to add to your search rationale. No matter what you decide, know that what the ranking takes into account is feeling Good of professionals, in addition to daily productivity and independence.
Check what the study showed.
The happiest jobs in the world
The University of Chicago survey was conducted with the help of Psychologists Labor and human resource specialists. In times of mental health as a guide, knowing the happiest professions in the world can make a difference in the lives of those seeking a career transition or going to college, for example.
These functions were included:
1) clergyChurch members top the list of the happiest professions in the world. The reason is the way their work makes a difference in people’s lives, precisely because they are guided by faith.
Feeling a mentor, some have claimed, contributes to happiness.
two) FirefighterResearch shows that these professionals are happy with their chosen activity, because in addition to the service they render to society, they are recognized and live in the constant adrenaline of their work routine;
3) natural therapySatisfaction is related to the patient’s victory. The survey showed a high degree of happiness in this category, especially when involved in the most serious rehab situations.
4) clerkThe happiness here lies in the creation of universes, characters, and stories. In some cases, it only grows when they can gain fans.
5) special education teachers: The joy of these professionals lies in following the cognitive development of students. It is really a pleasure to contribute to that.
6) teachers in general.: Even without proper estimation, teachers are in classification They are among the 10 happiest professions in the world, especially with regard to the way they participate in shaping students as individuals and professionals.
7) plastic artists: The fruit of a lot of imagination and creativity. These professionals are motivated by the possibility of creating something new.
8) PsychologistsHappiness is in helping and saving others.
9) financial services brokerThe criteria for happiness are stability, routine, and good pay.
10) Operations EngineerThe survey indicates satisfaction in trying large machines as well as in maintaining and upgrading machines.
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