Arthur continues to think about the punishment he received for the monster

Arthur continues to think about the punishment he received for the monster

Arthur will not soon forget the punishment he took today in punishment. ”BBB 21 ” (TV Globo). The militant lost the hostel for not complying with the penalty rules and was very nervous. Soon after, the participants won a lunch at a sponsor’s business.

During lunch, Arthur and Buckah manage to shake off the monster’s fantasies. Shortly after the event, they immediately went into the bedroom to dress up again. Arthur’s vent.

(This job) I surrender because I was in hate, and I want to disappear. I got in drunk, with a hangover, I don’t know, I was so pissed off. I don’t like being angry, I don’t absorb anger

The contestant speculated that the monster’s next moments might be calmer and Pocah replied, “I hope, because I’m still frustrated.”

They both wear ferns and need to forever take turns staying inside a giant vase placed in the garden.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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