Arthur puts Lies and Larissa in the monster of the week

Arthur puts Lies and Larissa in the monster of the week

Collaboration with Splash in Sao Paulo

02/19/2022 15:28update in 02/19/2022 16:12

after Evidence of the Angel won by Arthur AguiarIt was the brother’s turn to choose who would face the punishment of the beast in “BBB 22″ (TV Globo). This week, Layce and Larissa were penalized.

The actor justified his decision because the two sisters are not yet involved in the dynamic, and also because he thinks the challenge is easier when done between friends. He also apologized to both of them – and Larissa thanked them and said there was no need to apologize.

The fifth monster in the version is a duo and consists of a cassette tape costume.

How was the angel test

Around noon, production required those confined to dress as a sponsor in the exemption to compete in the race. However, the competition itself only started at 2:30 PM.

In the room, Tadeu Schmidt asked everyone to draw a number from the jar to determine the order of the game.

The test was lucky and consisted of a board game. The trapped threw the dice and moved around the houses. The goal was to get to the end of the road, and to secure the position of the owners of the week.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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