On the 9th of September, nursing workers will unite in a great work in Curitiba to defend the national floor of the class. The event is scheduled for 11 am on Praça Alfredo Andersen, in front of Evangélico Mackenzie Hospital.
This law came in response to the decision of Minister Luis Alberto Barroso, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), which issued an injunction for representatives of the private health sector. In practice, this means a suspension of payment for the National Nursing Floor.
“We understand that Minister Barroso has made a mistake, resulting from an action by the private health sector that makes a lot of money from the disease and does not want to reduce its profit margin for the appreciation of nursing professionals. Regarding the source of budget resources for the public sector to comply with the law, there have been several discussions in Congress National, which has ensured the preparation of bills in progress that refer to these sources”, highlights SindSaúde- PR coordinator, Olga Estefania.
Mobilization takes place nationwide on the same day and time. In Paraná, it is carried out by entities and unions committed to guaranteeing the rights of nursing professionals, such as SindSaúde-PR, National Confederation of Social Security Workers – CUT (CNTSS), National Confederation of Health Workers (CNTS), FetraSaúde – PR, Federation of Paraná Municipal Employees Trade Unions (Fessmuc ), Confederation of Education Workers of Federal Institutions of Higher Education of Paraná (SINDITEST-PR), Confederation of Workers of Health Services Institutions of Curitiba and the Region (SINDESC), Federation of Municipal Employees of Curitiba (SISMUC), Federation of Municipal Employees of Fazenda Rio Grande (SISMUF) ), the Federation of Public Employees of São José dos Pinhais (SINSEP), the Federation of Municipal Employees of Almirante Tamandari, the Federation of Municipal Employees in Ponta Grossa and the Regional Nursing Council of Paraná.