The Urtangerin-Bourbon family, spread throughout Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

The Urtangerin-Bourbon family, spread throughout Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Urdangarin-Borbon is scattered in three countries. When the father rushes for hours to return to his hometown, his wife, Infanta Christina, officially resides in Geneva. There he works for the…

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Johnson & Johnson: US approves first single-dose corona virus vaccine

Johnson & Johnson: US approves first single-dose corona virus vaccine

February 28, 2021, 00:35 GMT Updated 1 hour Image source, Getty Images Title, U.S. health officials have advanced the vaccine. This Saturday, U.S. officials approved the use of a single-dose…

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UK to start a public bank to finance infrastructure

UK to start a public bank to finance infrastructure

British Finance Minister Rishi Sunak will announce on Wednesday that he will create a public bank that will finance infrastructure projects to support the economy, badly affected by the epidemic,…

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Englishmen will be appointed to attend weddings, discos and football matches to test plans to promote isolation.

Englishmen will be appointed to attend weddings, discos and football matches to test plans to promote isolation.

Festivals, weddings and football matches may return to the UK in the summer. In the coming months, volunteers will participate in pilot projects to demonstrate that these events can be…

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No red level

No red level

The risk of COVID in Mexico is declining because epidemiological traffic light is already in place Companies will not report on maximum alert (Red colour). Mexico will begin in March…

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The United Kingdom will vaccinate against coyote

The United Kingdom will vaccinate against coyote

Campaign Vaccine against Govt-19 In UK The scientific committee that oversees it will announce on Friday that immunizations are a priority for people, not based on age and occupation. Government…

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UK discusses how to maintain financial services after Brexit by Reuters

UK discusses how to maintain financial services after Brexit by Reuters

© Reuters. File photo: Flags of the United Kingdom and the European Union in Brussels, Belgium Written by Hu Jones LONDON, Feb 26 (Reuters) – Brexit, Govt-19 and competition from…

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Govit vaccine.  Queen Elizabeth II encourages vaccination in England

Govit vaccine. Queen Elizabeth II encourages vaccination in England

AFP London / 25.02.2021 20:54:44 Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom called on the British to vaccinate against Govt-19 and explained that the injection “did not hurt at all”…

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The United Kingdom reduces the Govt-19 warning level from 5 to 4

The United Kingdom reduces the Govt-19 warning level from 5 to 4

Health officials in the United Kingdom, the most severely affected country in Europe International spread With more than 122,000 people dead, this Thursday reduced the national alert to a point…

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Masks add pollution to the UK

Masks add pollution to the UK

Corona virus infection prevents war on plastic waste. In the UK, about 1,500 tons of masks and gloves are thrown to the ground every month. “I’m shocked to see the…

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